Harvey Cedars PD

Firearms Permits  
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Firearms Permit

Applying for a Firearms I.D. Card and/or Permit to Purchase Pistol?  Recently moved to Harvey Cedars and need to change your address on your Firearms I.D. card? Interested in Purchasing a Handgun?

  •  Fill out all the required information on the New Jersey State Police Firearms Application and Registration Website: https://www.njportal.com/NJSP/FARS
  • Harvey Cedars' ORI Number is  NJ0150900
  • Any questions, please call the nonemergency line at 609-494-6509


Permit to Carry a Handgun

Applying for a Permit to Carry a Handgun?

  • Contact Officer Dan Grundtisch at dgrundtisch@hcpolice.org

Civilian Carry Assesment and Range Evaluation (CCARE) Protocol Memorandum

Civilian Carry Assesment and Range Evaluation 

Traveling to NJ from another state?

  • Shall be carried unloaded and contained in a closed and fastened case, gunbox, securely tied package, or locked in the trunk of the automobile in which it is being transported, and in the course of travel, shall include only such deviations as are reasonably necessary under the circumstances.


  • The firearm should not be directly accessible from the passenger compartment of the vehicle. If the vehicle does not have a compartment separate from the passenger compartment, the firearm and ammunition must be in a locked container other than the vehicle's glove compartment or console.

For more information see the New Jersey State Police Website

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